Using C-PACE to Drive Down Water Usage at Multifamily Properties

Aug 30, 2024

Multifamily property owners have grappled with a persistent set of challenges that have only intensified over the past two years. In addition to a slowdown in rental income and elevated interest rates, many have seen their operational expenses skyrocket to unprecedented levels.   One simple way to control costs is by analyzing and tackling a property’s […]

6 Reasons Why Senior Lenders Should Consent to C-PACE Financing 

Aug 22, 2024

In today’s tight capital environment, property owners are increasingly turning to alternative financing sources to fund new construction projects or refinance existing buildings. Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy, or C-PACE financing, is a relatively untapped solution that can replace more expensive forms of debt and help reduce the weighted average cost of capital.  Rising demand […]

Using C-PACE Financing in Place of More Expensive Mezzanine Debt 

Aug 9, 2024

When deciding what to pair with mortgage debt, developers may find themselves choosing between mezzanine financing and Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy, or C-PACE, to reduce the weighted average cost of capital.   C-PACE financing is an attractive alternative to a mezzanine loan because it reduces the project’s capital cost and offers longer-term solutions for a […]

C-PACE Gains Growing Relevance in CRE Capital Stack

Aug 1, 2024

Adoption of C-PACE financing within the commercial real estate capital stack is expected to increase in the coming months as capital providers embrace the program’s ability to modernize aging properties and boost values.  As we enter the second half of 2024, CRE owners continue to grapple with elevated interest rates and a heightened cost of […]